New Haven korean church English ministry
Church Membership Classes due to start in September. If interested, please let Pastor Hwang know.
Sunday Small Groups will start again on 9/1 at 10:45 am. Sunday lunch will still be provided in the KM main building from 10:30 - 10:40 am.
Saturday Fall Picnic will be held at church on September 14, noon - 3pm. Save the date!
NHKC Anniversary is on October 6th. Joint EM/YG service will be held in the KM main sanctuary at 11:00 am.
Lunch will be served and afterwards there will be special presentations by NHKC small groups. If anyone is interested in organizing an EM group presentation for 10/6, please speak to Deacon Joseph for more information.
If you are interested in joining the servant team (Praise Team, Media Team, Fellowship Team and Welcoming Team) please speak with Pastor Hwang or any of the Small Group Facilitators.